Cell Phones are Dangerous Essay - StudyMoose.

Unfortunately cell phones are not risk free. Using cell phones involve emission of EMR electromagnetic radiation, which is a dangerous sort of energy wave, is produce by modern appliances that surround us in everyday lives. The worst causes of EMR are cell phones. These days especially children are getting addicted to cell phones.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

Some people say that cell phones are dangerous because there is harmful radiation coming from them. Others say that cell phones are safe. However, cell phones emit 900-1800 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic fields during calls which effects the protein structures in mice and humans (Eid 573). Therefore, cell phones can be dangerous to humans.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

Despite all the obvious benefits these functions provide, this essay aims to argue that cell phones are dangerous specifically on crimes, distractions and health threats. Firstly, cell phones are easily used as crime devices as they are very mobile friendly.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

Cell phones can be dangerous; using a cell phone while driving has been an issue of strong controversy for a long time now. As cell phones became more affordable, their use increased to a significant extent. People have gotten so infatuated with cell phones. It seems that talking and texting suddenly became appealing to the users.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay 876 Words 4 Pages FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.--Talking on a cell phone while driving is as dangerous as driving drunk, new federally funded research shows, and it doesn't matter whether you use a hands-free model or hold the phone up to your ear during the conversation.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

Cell phones have truly changed the way how people connect to other people. Thirty years ago you would have to walk up to the cute guy at the bar, but with modern technology you can just shoot him a text instead. When many people think of the dangers of cell phones they think of all the accidents that they cause by distracted drivers.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

Mobile phones lead to a lot of accidents. A lot of people do their daily work, drive while taking on mobile phones. There is high risk of accident if you are talking on the mobile phone and driving as you are giving your half attention to the mobile call and are having half attention on the road.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay Sample.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

In my opinion, cell phones are dangerous, and there are research and cases reported as a result of cell phone usage. They include distracting drivers; create barriers to social connection and leads to.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

Watch out poor standard of living; cell phones are coming for you. Furthermore, cell phones have recently been proving dangerous to authority figures, primarily the police. With the ability to simply start recording, no matter where you are, cell phones have been able to capture a wide variety of injustice.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

The Dangers of Cell Phone Use While Driving Essay Cell phone use should not be legal while driving, it causes many accidents even fatalities. Drivers become careless while driving when using cell phones. Cell phones cause distractions while on the road.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

Essay Sample. Cell phones are dangerous because of many reasons. One reason that cell phones can be dangerous is because if the GPS is on, then people can track someone just by the GPS being on. When the GPS is on the predators act like police and know how to track people by the GPS, also by photo posts especially when the post is on the photo.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

I believe that cell phones are dangerous, because of threat posed to safety, academic integrity, and communication skills in our society. The most prominent danger that exists with cell phones is threat they pose to safety. One threat to safety is the invasion of privacy.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

Brain tumor patients who know about the potential risk of cell phones may be more prone to what is known as recall bias, reporting using their cell phones at a higher rate than they actually did. And brain cancer itself is rare: According to the NCI, only one in 165 people are diagnosed during the course of a lifetime with a cancer of the brain or nervous system.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous Essay

Cell Phones are Dangerous Essay 769 Words 4 Pages Cell Phones are dangerous Cell phones have consistently evolved both in function and design ever since Dr.Martin Cooper first invented the wireless handset in 1973. In those days, cell phones were merely used to make calls and store numbers.

Are Cell Phones Dangerous? Essay - EssayAgents.com.

Buy custom Are Cell Phones Dangerous essay In the world, today, cell phones are one of the most used types of technology. Due to this usage, people are also highly concerned in case of any effects that would come up as a result of the use.Many people believe that cell phones are dangerous. The way you use your cell phone is what makes it dangerous. There are numerous things that make it dangerous to using cell phones and one of them if yourself. The way you as a person use your cell phone is what makes them dangerous for you or other people around you.Custom argumentative essay on cell phones. When writing an argumentative essay on cell phones, it is imperative that you explore your creative skills. This will enable you to write an essay that argues two sides of the coin. At globalcompose.com, we offer exceptional writing services to make your essay relevant and informative. We have complete.

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